
Source: Outdoor Living Takes Center Stage in These Multifunctional Spaces Article as seen in Professional Builder Magazine By Todd Hallett, AIA, TK Design & Associates, 248.446.1960 ...
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A TK Home featured in Detroit Design Magazine Read Article ...
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Source: Fresh Takes on the Family Entry to Meet the Needs of Today's Homeowners Article as seen in Professional Builder Magazine By Todd Hallett, AIA, TK Design & Associates, 248.446.1960 ...
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Technology advancements have come to be expected in every part of our lives, architecture & home design are no exception. At TK we are constantly looking to improve and adapt to technology trends. Most recently, we made a major update to our 3D software to provide highly realistic home w...
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From my childhood I have always loved playing with colors. I loved to paint - sometimes picking the brightest colors in my palette and sometimes neutral or earthy tones depending on my mood that day. As someone quoted "Architecture is just art that we live in". My passion for digital render...
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At the beginning of every year people think that is it is time to reflect and start new goals. But all too often people start and then a few weeks into the year things go back to “normal” and Life just gets in the way of all the brand-new goals that we just made. But there is a better way to st...
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I have been at TK Design for 7 years and have over 28 years of experience in the field of architecture.  As we approach the end of year, I like to reflect on what was accomplished and in my opinion TK Design has had an amazing year.  To touch on just a few, we have made significant improv...
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BY TODD HALLETT, AIA NOVEMBER 21, 2022 Skyrocketing material and labor costs followed by sharp interest rate increases have worsened the current housing affordability crisis. These factors have forced home builders to reduce pricing, and therefore profit margins, to maintain sales velocity. ...
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My roots began in the field over 35 years ago doing everything from installing the sump system, shingling the roof, and everything in between. I spent over 15 years learning everything about residential construction that I could, until I realized I wanted to learn more than what the field expe...
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What I value and appreciate most about TK is the overall inclusive environment. We have a diverse group from all over the world working here. TK makes sure we take the time to have opportunities to share our stories with each other. We’ve done it a few different ways over the years and as we’ve...
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Our homes are desired by builders and buyers across North America, and we're a respected voice in the home design industry.