TK VOICE – Julie Drury, Office Manager
What I value and appreciate most about TK is the overall inclusive environment. We have a diverse group from all over the world working here. TK makes sure we take the time to have opportunities to share our stories with each other. We’ve done it a few different ways over the years and as we’ve grown. My personal favorite is when each team member is encouraged to bring a dish to mini events that we will periodically have. It will be a workday, lots of times on Mondays to make them a little brighter, for lunch time. A few team members will bring a dish to pass and share with the team. Many times, some yummy ethnic dishes are brought, new to many of us here. The stories just naturally flow as we gather and enjoy the foods. Recent times did have us need to adapt our gatherings, but TK kept the spirit alive by ordering in a variety of lunch options for us to still partake in. It changes each month the types of food that is ordered in and we still share some laughs and fun while enjoying the break and meal. It can bring a level of comfort with each other that can be lacking in more formal offices. When you’re with the same people day after day it’s nice to have moments of light-hearted enjoyment break up the work. A great bonus is that we end up learning more about the cultures, heritages, and traditions of our team members.
– Julie Drury, TK Design Office Manager